Paradice publishes stewardship summary report for 2024

Paradice is pleased to share our annual report summarising the stewardship-related activities undertaken by our Australian equities investment teams in 2024. This includes ESG-related engagement with investee companies, how we exercised our voting rights, and highlights from our advocacy and collaborative efforts.

Collectively in 2024, the Australian equities teams held 230 ESG-related engagements with 102 companies. Transition risks relating to climate change dominated engagement during the year, with a total of 116 engagements on this topic. The next most common topic was conduct and stakeholder relations, with 105 engagements. The report not only provides key engagement statistics but offers some insights into how we engage at both a company level and on specific ESG themes through case study examples.

Read the Paradice Annual Stewardship Summary here


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ESG considerations may vary across investments, and not every ESG factor may be identified or evaluated for every investment. There is no guarantee that the evaluation of ESG characteristics will be additive to a strategy’s performance. ESG is not a uniformly-defined characteristic and information used to evaluate ESG characteristics may not be readily available, complete, or accurate, and may vary across providers and issuers. Because of the subjective nature of ESG assessment, there can be no guarantee that ESG factors considered will reflect the beliefs or values of any particular client / investor.

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Image credits: Unsplash

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