
Paradice is a comparatively small office-based business, meaning our direct environmental impact is limited. Nevertheless, we seek to act responsibly as a business and reduce our environmental footprint wherever possible.

We understand that the biggest impact we have upon the environment is from the activity associated with the investments we make. Increasingly our engagement with investee companies relates to environmental issues such as climate change.

Reducing Our Environmental Impact

In managing our direct environmental footprint, day to day we focus on waste management and energy use in our offices. We have in place recycling and organic waste management to reduce the amount going to landfill, as well as participate in e-waste recycling programs. Where possible in our procurement, we seek to purchase sustainable or recycled products.

Staff are also encouraged to walk or cycle into work and we have dedicated end-of-trip facilities. Finally, Covid-19 has enabled us to rethink what travel is necessary as more of our stakeholders have capabilities which enable virtual meetings.

For more information on how we manage climate change within our investments, click here

Climate Change

For Paradice, the implications of climate change are two-fold. We must consider climate change as a business, and how it may impact our operations, and as an asset manager, understanding the consequences for the investments we make on behalf of our clients.

With respect to our operations, we are a responsible, long-term focused business with robust risk management processes in place. Climate-related risk is considered alongside any other risk with the potential to affect the long-term viability of our business. The Board and its delegate the Paradice Sustainability Committee is ultimately responsible for overseeing climate risks.

Carbon offsetting

While we seek to reduce our operational emissions wherever possible, there are a number of inevitable emissions associated with running our business such as air travel, taxis and IT.

We first measured our operational emissions footprint and purchased carbon credits to offset this in FY2019 (excluding the investments made on our clients’ behalf). Since then, we have continued to purchase and retire carbon credits equivalent to our estimated emissions.

We work with specialist provider PathZero to measure and verify our emissions. We most recently purchased carbon credits to offset our FY2024 emissions.

For more information on our emissions measurement provider, please visit the PathZero website here

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